Like a lot of people everywhere, the pandemic changed my life. It opened a new and exciting way for me to see and explore the world around me through nature and art. In my worklife I was a graphic designer but in the last couple of years I’ve been exploring two media that were totally foreign to me; watercolor and pyrography.

I started burning images on juniper wood rounds as something to pass the time during the pandemic. As my skill grew, I added watercolor and different types of wood. I hike as often as I can on the butte near my house; and there is always something beautiful to see, experience, or hear and it influences just about everything I do. For me, it is about patterns and connections; like the grain of the wood, the shape of the flower or the unexpected colors in nature; the simple unexpected beauty around me.

My process is not complicated. If something interests me, it will find it’s way into my art. I’ve discovered that good wood , an interesting plate, broken bowl or knarly branch shouldn’t be wasted. Finding these “raw materials” is as difficult and as important as the image I create with them.

My art is a representation of my journey in nature and in life and I hope others enjoy traveling with me.

Contact Info: FireColorDesigns

Connie Soballe
FireColor Designs