Jesica Carleton

Carleton Manor Mosaics

What got me started on my artistic journey was a moment in third grade that remains vivid in my memory. I came home with an art project marked with criticism from my teacher for drawing a tree "wrong." While I can't recall the details of the artwork, I’ll never forget how my mother stormed over to the school, fiercely defending my creative expression. Her unwavering support taught me the importance of standing firm in my artistic vision, a lesson that became the bedrock of my lifelong passion for art. From that early experience, I developed an insatiable curiosity and a love for diverse artistic mediums, which has led me through an eclectic journey of exploration. Whether it's mosaic art, ceramics, or Japanese brush painting, I am constantly drawn to new experiences and refuse to be constrained by traditional limits. This journey hasn’t been without challenges, especially the expectation to maintain a consistent "voice" in my work. However, I’ve embraced my need for perpetual experimentation, recognizing that failures are just as valuable as successes in my creative evolution. Beyond my own art, I am deeply committed to inspiring others to unlock their creative potential. I find great joy in teaching and helping others discover that anyone can achieve artistic expression, regardless of their background. When I’m not in my home studio, you’ll find me in the wood, metal, and tech shops at the DIYCave, or at home with my supportive husband and our beloved pets.

Carleton Manor Mosaics
FB/IG: @CarletonManorMosaics